The Smart Contract Technology ( SCT ) provides you with Cybersecurity services such as penetration testing, compliance services, and risk system services in accordance with the nature of each organization, including services for assessing risks and vulnerabilities in systems and managing and developing security programs
: Cybersecurity services
: Cybersecurity consulting
In this service, a comprehensive assessment and analysis is provided that reveals gaps and weaknesses in your systems and develops strategies to mitigate them , It is one of the most important Cybersecurity services
The companies specialized in providing this service provide continuous monitoring and support to ensure that companies are always informed of the latest threats and precautionary measures. You can also benefit from cybersecurity consulting services in complying with industry regulations and standards. This is essential to gain the trust of your customers and limit the legal consequences for your company. In general, investing in cybersecurity consulting services is extremely important for every company looking to protect itself from security or cyber challenges and threats. This ensures long-term success
Electronic security service
Cybersecurity risks are always at the top of every organization’s priority list. You should make sure to obtain this Cybersecurity service in order to evaluate your company’s cybersecurity strategy and obtain a comprehensive plan that limits expected breaches and intercepts these attacks
: Penetration testing service
Penetration testing is a Cybersecurity service that tests the security of a computer system or network by simulating a potential real attack from a malicious source. This method helps in testing vulnerabilities that hackers can target and exploit. This test includes a series of assessments and tests designed to simulate an actual attacker. Tools and techniques are used to identify vulnerabilities. Hacking is an essential tool for all companies and institutions that want to ensure the security of their systems and protect against cybersecurity attacks
: Aramco Cybersecurity standard SACS-002